Sortable Stimulus Controller

Stimulus controller

if (this.hasItemTarget) { (1)
  this.itemTargets.forEach(item => {
    item.setAttribute('style', 'z-index: 1000;') (2)
    item.classList.add('draggable-source') (3)
1 it is always better to check for the existence of any target before make use of it.
2 make sure our element is always on top to be draggable
3 set a class for draggable, default is '.draggable-source'

Initialize Sortable

const sortable = new Sortable(this.element, { (1)
  draggable: '.draggable-source', (2)
  handle: this.handleValue, (3)
  distance: 5, (4)
  mirror: {
    constrainDimensions: true (5)
1 this.element: the <div> element with data-controller="sortable"
2 which elements should be draggable. Here: our Bootstrap v5 list group inner item
3 optional: set a handle for draggable, may be null
4 how much pixel the item should be moved before draggable takes action
5 don’t change the size of our draggable element during the move

Event sortable:start

sortable.on('sortable:start', function(event) {
  let item = event.dragEvent.source
  item.setAttribute('style', 'z-index: 1000; background-color: #FFFFAB;') (1)
1 ensure our dragged item is always on top and colorize it.

Event sortable:stop

sortable.on('sortable:stop', function(event) {
  let item = event.dragEvent.source (1)
  let item_id ="_")+1) (2)
  let item_type =,"_")) (3)
  let url = item.getAttribute('data-url') (4)
  let data = {[item_type]: { position: ( + 1) }} (5)
  let token = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content') (6)
  fetch(url, {
    method: 'PUT',
    credentials: 'same-origin',
    headers: {
      "X-CSRF-Token": token, (6)
      "Content-type": "application/json", (7)
      "Accept": "text/vnd.turbo-stream.html" (8)
    body: JSON.stringify(data)
  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(html => Turbo.renderStreamMessage(html)) (9)
1 the dragged item itself
2 extract the numeric id from dom_id(item), i.e. task_123 → '123'
3 item type, i.e. task_123 → 'task'
4 url for update via PUT
5 build the parameter hash: with the standard controller update method we need something like {"task": { "position": <new position>}}
6 to overcome CSRF protection, fetch the token from the header and use it in the PUT/PATCH request.
7 we are sending JSON data …​
8 …​ but we want a turbo stream response
9 finally render the received turbo stream message
if you like a more compact ajax call, have a look at It includes some steps as automatically use the CSRF token, but it comes with the cost of an additional dependency.

The complete controller

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import { Sortable } from '@shopify/draggable';

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = ['item']
  static values = {
    handle: String

  connect() {
    let _this = this
    if (this.hasItemTarget) {
      this.itemTargets.forEach(item => {
        item.setAttribute('style', 'z-index: 1000;')

      const sortable = new Sortable(this.element, {
        draggable: '.draggable-source',
        handle: this.handleValue,
        distance: 15,
        mirror: {
          constrainDimensions: true
      sortable.on('sortable:start', function(event) {
        let item = event.dragEvent.source
        item.setAttribute('style', 'z-index: 1000; background-color: #FFFFAB;')
      sortable.on('sortable:stop', function(event) {
        // avoid update if no changes detected
        if (event.oldIndex == event.newIndex) {
        let item = event.dragEvent.source
        // needs something like id="<%= dom_id item %>"
        let item_id ="_")+1)
        let item_type =,"_"))
        let url = item.getAttribute('data-url')
        let data = {[item_type]: { position: ( + 1) }}
        let token = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content')
        fetch(url, {
          method: 'PUT',
          credentials: 'same-origin',
          headers: {
            "X-CSRF-Token": token,
            "Accept": "text/vnd.turbo-stream.html",
            "Content-type": "application/json"
          body: JSON.stringify(data)
        .then(r => r.text())
        .then(html => Turbo.renderStreamMessage(html))
